The Claw 10-miler Alafia River State Park

So if you're up for some adventure, this trail run has you covered! I think you can only loosely call it "trail" since it was more like let's just run, climb, crawl, and hike through some random woods for 10 There were points in the course that required you to, quite literally, crawl up or through dense vegetation both and and off small hills. There were two stream crossings, one about ankle/calf deep (mile 2) and the other just over waist deep (mile 8). There were some parts that actually resembled trails but for the most part it was just keep up and see where the little orange flags take you. We climbed over and under fallen trees and other limbs. Had to climb over a metal fence. Had to butt-slide down a few of the small hills because it was too steep to walk or run. Ran through some fields of tall grass. Lots of uneven terrain, some potholes and divots, roots, dirt, leaves, muck. I was thankful that it stayed overcast all day. It would have been fun to have a GoPro or something to see it all. All the runners near me in the few different packs I ended up with were all very nice and had a good sense of humor about the "obstacles". There was certainly no rest for the weary on this course. Would I do it again? Absolutely!! I'm not too sore or anything, but yesterday I certainly was whooped. It was hard, for sure, but it was fun!!