SandBar Half-Marathon Manasota Key

Ran that much better than expected considering last weekend’s trail running adventures, finished in about 2:16. I was dreading the heat but fortunately it was really overcast and cloudy, even a few sprinkles. It was an inaugural race, which often means hiccups, but overall it went just fine. I proceeded to enjoy my beer and barbecue on the patio!!

They may have to spray paint the start line, but they do have their priorities straight - getting race results quickly! Two tidbits about the race. 1 - The organizer guy (who was standing on an 8 foot A-frame ladder with a microphone to get the race started) asked everyone to sing the national anthem at race start instead of a recording or an individual singer. And they DID. Very cool. 2 - There was a woman in front of me at the start, standing with her husband(?), probably late seventies or early eighties, and she was very petite. What caught my eye were her legs - no exaggeration, her lower legs were the size of my forearm. That lady finished the race in 2:34 or something!! Barely breaking a sweat. I want to be her when I grow up.