Race 13.1 Raleigh

June half marathon complete! (Race 13.1 Raleigh, NC) It was a HOT one, about 80 degrees at the finish. The course was very pretty though, with nearly all of it in shade and much of it on paved trails. I didn’t really have much of a time goal other than maybe keep it under 2:30, so a 2:18 finish is quite alright by me. The last 3/4 mile was up a hill, they even give you a separate split time for it 😂 My finish as compared to the rest of the field wasn’t too shabby, so that made me feel spiffy. I have three summer halves on the calendar and the goal for all of them is simply to finish to keep miles on my feet through summer. Next up, trail half on July 1 in Seminole State Forest, Sorrento. More hotness coming my way!!🏃🏻‍♀️🌞