Run Streak Complete


2018 run streak complete! Run one mile or more every day until June 30. After accumulating 441.9 miles since January 1, I have learned a number of things. The most important thing of all is that there are no excuses. None. We all make excuses for the things we don’t do, giving ourselves an out because it’s easier not to do something hard than to work through or around things that are difficult. In 181 days of my streak, there were challenges in weather, scheduling, preparation, hydration/nutrition, travel...all sorts of speed bumps. I don’t know that my fitness improved in any substantial way, but I definitely feel an improved confidence that going forward I can handle whatever conditions a race throws at me. So get out there my friends, set goals that stretch and challenge your mental strength, build resilience, and bring you happiness. 🏃🏻‍♀️
