Masters of All Terrain - Seminole State Forest

Today’s half was a bit rough going, finished in about 2:50 or something, slowest time EVER...😂 There’s been so much rain that much of the course was underwater, or just thick, sticky muck (the kind that sucks your shoes off!). Many of the wet portions were ankle to knee deep so running wasn’t much of an option. Uneven ground underneath the water made for some very unhappy ankles. The temperatures started out quite nice and most of the first half was pretty shady. I probably should have gotten out my phone to take pictures more often but I was more worried about tripping and busting my face and with all the water to go through, I had my eyes on the lookout for snakes. There was a nice mix of trail surfaces, besides the water, including road-width dirt/grass paths and some single-track through the woods and scrub. All in all a nice little race, but my legs are a bit beat. Good thing the run streak is over, I can completely rest tomorrow!!! Next up is another trail half in Chattanooga, Tennessee at the beginning of August. 🏃🏻‍♀️